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Great Chamber in Kane County   |  Marcin Zając
A Photo Essay

Following the Stars

An award-winning photographer turns his lens on Utah's spectacular dark skies.

Photography By Marcin Zając

For our ancestors, the observable universe beyond our atmosphere was of the utmost significance. The starry night sky once served as the sole reference for when to plant crops and inspired myths that remain culturally relevant today. Now with so much of the world in perpetual twilight, many never see a naturally dark night sky. Utah however, part of The Great Western Starry Way of the Intermountain West, is lucky to boast the highest concentration of internationally-certified dark sky locations in the world.

Marcin Zając, an internationally acclaimed photographer, has perfected the craft of exposing what is usually invisible to the naked eye. Here he sets out on a quest to capture the brilliance of Southern Utah's dark skies. Using advanced techniques combined with a keen eye for composition, Zając shows us the magnitude of our universe that's visible from Utah's spectacular landscapes.






Stargazing in Utah

Of the vast amount of certified International Dark Sky Parks and Communities that are part of a catalog of the finest dark skies in the world, the highest concentration are in Utah. Explore the statewide locations and make plans for experiencing natural wonders after the sun sets.

Explore Dark Sky Locations

Utah's Certified Dark Sky Parks

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