Bryce Canyon National Park   |  Alison Vagnini

"In Love. In Utah." Contest

Official Rules

Entry in this contest constitutes your acceptance of these official rules.

These Official Rules (these “Rules”) govern the Utah Office of Tourism’s “In Love. In Utah.” Contest (the “Contest”). The purpose of the Contest is to encourage individuals to interact with the Utah Office of Tourism (“UOT”) by sharing their best “In Love. In Utah.” Story (“Stories”). Any individual who enters the Contest in compliance with these Rules (“Entrant”) will be eligible to win one prize, as described herein. Stories will be judged by an impartial panel of judges selected by UOT and its contractor. Based on which Stories the judges select, UOT will select 4 winner(s). UOT or its Contractor will award one prize to each winner(s) in accordance with these Rules.

1. BINDING AGREEMENT: Entrant will read these Rules prior to entry to ensure Entrant understands and agrees. Entrant understands that submission of an entry in the Contest constitutes agreement to these Rules. These Rules form a binding legal agreement between Entrant and UOT with respect to the Contest.

2. ELIGIBILITY: All individuals over the age of 18 who reside in the United States, the District of Columbia, and its Territories, are eligible to enter the Contest, except that employees, interns, contractors, and official officeholders of UOT are ineligible to enter the Contest. Void where prohibited.

3. SPONSOR: The Contest is sponsored by UOT, a Utah State Entity located at 300 North State Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84114. CONTRACTOR: UOT has contracted with J Public Relations (“Contractor”) to assist in the administration of this Contest. Contractor is a business located at 2341 Fifth Ave, San Diego, CA 92101.

4. CONTEST PERIOD: The submission period will end at 11:59 pm Mountain Time on the date specified below. All dates are subject to change.

Submission Period: 2/14/24-4/15/24
Voting Period: 4/15/24 - June 2024
Winner Announcement: No later than June

5. HOW TO ENTER: To enter the Contest, Entrant is required to visit the Contest website located at during the Submission Period and follow the instructions to submit stories. Each submitted story will constitute an entry, subject to the Entrant’s full compliance with these Rules.

Each Entrant may submit up to 3 entries. Subsequent entries beyond an Entrant’s first 3 entries will be disqualified. Entrant is not eligible to win more than once. To be considered for the Contest, entries must be: (i) complete (as determined by UOT); and (ii) received within the submission period specified above. Any submission not meeting the aforementioned criteria will be disqualified. UOT accepts no responsibility for submissions lost, delayed, damaged, defaced, or mislaid, howsoever caused. 

At times during the Contest, a UOT representative may contact Entrant for customer service purposes. Entrant agrees to receive phone calls, emails or direct messages from UOT or its Contractor.

6. STORY REQUIREMENTS: The story must meet the following requirements (“Story Requirements”):

  • Stories must be about a time spent in Utah or a dream trip to Utah;
  • Stories must be typed; and 
  • Stories can be a maximum of 500 words.

During the Contest Period, UOT will evaluate the stories to ensure that they meet the Story Requirements. UOT reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any Entrant who does not meet the Story Requirements. Incomplete entries or entries not complying with these Rules are subject to disqualification.

7. VOTING AND SELECTION: Voting will proceed as follows: 

Voting will include all valid entries, and will be judged by an impartial panel of judges selected by UOT and its contractor. The judges will evaluate and select the best entries based on objective judging criteria, which will be shared with the public on the story submission page. 

Subject to these Rules, UOT’s decisions are final and binding. If a potential winner is unable for whatever reason to accept his or her prize, then UOT reserves the right to award such prize to another Entrant.

8. NOTIFICATION OF WINNERS: Each winner is subject to validation and verification of eligibility and compliance with all the terms and conditions set forth in these Rules. If a winner is disqualified for any reason, an alternate winner will be selected based on the story that received the next highest total number of votes. The winner(s) will be selected and notified by telephone, email, or direct message, at UOT’s discretion. If a winner does not respond to the notification attempt within 48 hours, then such winner may be disqualified, and an alternate winner may be selected. With respect to notification by telephone, such notification will be deemed given when a winner or winner’s parent or guardian engages in a live conversation with UOT or its designated Contractor or when a message is left on a winner’s voicemail service or answering machine by UOT or its Contractor, whichever occurs first. Except where prohibited by law, any winner may be required to sign and return an Affidavit of Eligibility and Liability and Publicity Release and provide any additional information that may be required by UOT. If required, a winner must return all such documents via email (or as otherwise instructed) within 48 hours following attempted notification or such winner will be deemed to have forfeited the prize and another winner may be randomly selected. Determinations of UOT staff are final and binding. 

9. PRIZES: The Contest winner(s) will receive a 3-night trip to Utah including accommodations at one of 4 Utah properties, a travel credit, and a stipend for food and gas with the approximate dollar value of $4,000. Winners may need to provide personal information for tax reporting purposes. 

The time of the prize distribution will be provided to the winner(s). No transfer, substitution or cash equivalent for a prize is allowed, except at UOT’s sole discretion. UOT reserves the right to substitute a prize, in whole or in part, of equal or greater monetary value if a prize cannot be awarded, in whole or in part, as described for any reason. Value is subject to market conditions, which can fluctuate and any difference between actual market value and actual retail value will not be awarded. A prize may be subject to restrictions and/or licenses and may require additional hardware, software, service, or maintenance to use. The winner(s) shall bear all responsibility for use of any prize in compliance with any conditions imposed by a manufacturer, and any additional costs associated with use, service, or maintenance of such prize. UOT and its Contractor have not made and are not responsible for any warranties, representations, or guarantees, express or implied, in fact or law, relating to any prize, regarding the use, value or enjoyment of such prize, including, without limitation, quality, mechanical condition, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose, with the exception of any standard manufacturer's warranty that may apply to a prize or any components thereto.

10. TAXES: Awards of prizes to any potential winner are subject to the express requirement that any winner submits to UOT all documentation requested by UOT to permit it to comply with all applicable state, federal and local tax reporting laws. Any prize will be net of any taxes UOT is required by law to withhold. To the extent permitted by law, all taxes imposed on any prize are the sole responsibility of the winner(s). In order to receive a prize, any potential winner must submit tax documentation requested by UOT or otherwise required by applicable law, to UOT or a representative for UOT or the relevant tax authority, all as determined by applicable law. Any potential winner is responsible for ensuring that they comply with all the applicable tax laws and filing requirements. If a potential winner fails to provide such documentation or comply with such laws, his or her prize may be forfeited and UOT may, in its sole discretion, select an alternate potential winner.

11. CANCELLATION, DISQUALIFICATION, AND ELIMINATION: If, for any reason, the Contest is not capable of running as planned, UOT reserves the right at its sole discretion to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Contest. UOT reserves the right, at UOT’s sole discretion, to disqualify any Entrant who tampers with any other part of the Contest or undermines the legitimate operation of the Contest by cheating, deception, or other unfair playing practices. All relevant laws and regulations apply. Any attempt by an Entrant to deliberately damage any website or undermine the legitimate operation of the Contest might be a violation of criminal and civil laws and should such an attempt be made, UOT reserves the right to seek damages from any such Entrant to the fullest extent of any applicable law. Any false information provided within the context of the Contest by Entrant concerning identity, mailing address, telephone number, email address, ownership of right or non-compliance with these Rules or the like may result in the immediate elimination of Entrant from the Contest.

12. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS: As between UOT and Entrant, Entrant retains ownership of all intellectual and industrial property rights (including moral rights) in and to the Stories (excluding UOT’s rights in UOT’s logo/trademark). As a condition of entry, Entrant grants UOT a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, transferable, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, adapt, modify, publish, distribute, publicly perform, create a derivative work from, and publicly display the Stories and accompanying Photos for any purpose, including display on UOT’s website or social media accounts, without any attribution or compensation to Entrant. Entries will not be returned. UOT retains all rights in UOT products and services and entry into the Contest will in no case serve to transfer any UOT intellectual property rights to Entrant.

13. PRIVACY: Entrant agrees and acknowledges that personal data submitted with an entry, including name, mailing address, phone number, and email address may be collected, processed, stored and otherwise used by UOT and its affiliates, consistent with applicable law, for the purposes of conducting and administering the Contest. 

14. PUBLICITY: By entering the Contest, Entrant agrees to participate in any media or promotional activity resulting from the Contest as reasonably requested by UOT at UOT’s expense and agrees and consents to use of Entrant’s name and/or likeness by UOT. UOT will contact Entrant in advance of any UOT-sponsored media requests for interviews.

15. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY, WARRANTY AND INDEMNITY: Entrant warrants that Entrant’s Stories are Entrant’s own original work and, as such, Entrant is the sole and exclusive owner and rights holder of any submitted Stories. Entrant warrants that Entrant has the right to submit the Stories in the Contest and grant all required licenses. Entrant agrees not to submit any Stories or Photos that: (i) infringe any third-party proprietary rights, intellectual property rights, industrial property rights, personal or moral rights or any other rights, including without limitation, copyright, trademark, trade names, industrial designs, patent, trade secret, privacy, publicity or confidentiality obligations; or (ii) otherwise violates applicable state, federal, or local law.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, Entrant indemnifies and holds harmless UOT and its Contractor from and against any liability, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs and expenses resulting from any act, default or omission of Entrant and/or a breach of any warranty set forth herein. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Entrant agrees to defend UOT from and against any and all claims, actions, suits or proceedings, as well as any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorney fees) arising out of or accruing from: (i) any Photos or other material uploaded or otherwise provided by Entrant that infringes any copyright, trademark, trade secret, trade dress, patent or other intellectual property right of any person or defames any person or violates their rights of publicity or privacy; (ii) any misrepresentation made by Entrant in connection with the Contest; (iii) any non-compliance by Entrant with these Rules; (iv) claims brought by persons or entities other than the parties to these Rules arising from or related to Entrant’s involvement with the Contest; (v) acceptance, possession, misuse or use of any prize or participation in any Contest-related activity or participation in the Contest; (vi) any technological malfunction or other problem related to the entry and participation in the Contest by Entrant; (vii) any error in the collection, processing, or retention of entry or voting information in relation to the entry and participation in the Contest by Entrant; or (viii) any typographical or other error in the printing, offering or announcement of any prize or winners in relation to the entry and participation in the Contest by Entrant. As a condition of entering the Contest and accepting any prizes, the Entrant agrees to release UOT from any claims of harm or injury from Entrant’s use or enjoyment of the contest prizes, provided by third-parties or independent contractors, including but not limited to the 3-night trip to Utah including accommodations at one of 4 Utah properties, a travel credit, and a stipend for food and gas with the approximate dollar value of $4,000. Entrant’s guests shall also agree to the same release of UOT, in order to participate in redeeming and enjoying the prizes.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the maximum liability of UOT for to an Entrant for any claims of injury or harm, shall be capped at the liquidated damage amount of $4,000, which is the approximate dollar amount of the prizes. 

16. INTERNET DISCLAIMER: UOT and its Contractor are not responsible for any late, lost, damaged, misdirected, incomplete, illegible, undeliverable, or destroyed entries due to system errors, failed, incomplete or garbled computer or other telecommunication transmission malfunctions, hardware or software failures of any kind, lost or unavailable network connections, typographical or system/human errors and failures, technical malfunction(s) of any telephone network or lines, cable connections, satellite transmissions, servers or providers, or computer equipment, traffic congestion on the Internet, or any combination thereof, including other telecommunication, cable, digital or satellite malfunctions which may limit Entrant’s/consumer’s ability to participate/vote respectively. UOT is not responsible for the policies, actions, or inactions of others, which might prevent Entrant from entering, participating, and/or claiming a prize in the Contest. 

17. SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM TERMS: UOT may use the following social media platform(s) to facilitate, supplement, or advertise the Contest: Instagram, X, Pinterest, Facebook. Entrant completely releases every social media platform listed in this section 17 from any and all liability arising from the Contest and acknowledges that the Contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated with any social media platform. 

18. NOT AN OFFER OR CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT: Under no circumstances shall participation in the Contest, acceptance of a prize, or anything in these Rules be construed as an offer or contract of employment with UOT. Entrant acknowledges that Entrant has entered the Contest voluntarily and not in confidence or in trust. Entrant acknowledges that no confidential, fiduciary, agency or other relationship or implied-in-fact contract now exists between Entrant and UOT and that no such relationship is established by Entrant’s participation in the Contest.

19. FORUM AND RECOURSE TO JUDICIAL PROCEDURES: These Rules shall be governed by, subject to, and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Utah, United States of America, excluding all conflict of law rules. If any provision(s) of these Rules are held to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, all remaining provisions hereof will remain in full force and effect. To the extent permitted by law, the rights to litigate, seek injunctive relief or make any other recourse to judicial or any other procedure in case of disputes or claims resulting from or in connection with the Contest are hereby excluded, and Entrant expressly waives any and all such rights.

20. WINNER’S LIST: The name of the winner(s) for the Competition may be posted on UOT’s website within a reasonable time after the date of the Winner Announcement specified above. 

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