Dead Horse Point State Park ("Thelma & Louise," "Mission Impossible II")

Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park ("Westworld")

Bonneville Salt Flats ("Independence Day," "Pirates of the Caribbean")
"Here there are desert lands and mountain grandeur. Wild animals roam freely on a remote island and surreal landscapes form an otherworldly planet. "
Experience Utah. America's Film Set.®

Utah Film and the Sundance Film Festival
Did you know that more than 40 films with Utah ties have premiered at the Sundance Film Festival? Here’s a look back at some of those made-in-Utah flicks that were supported by the Utah Film Commission.

Movies Filmed in Utah: Plotting a Cinematic Drive-Through
Follow a Germany-based film enthusiast on an extended road trip to discover the rich history of Utah cinematography.
Filmed in Utah: Explore the Settings of Sundance Movies
It’s a film buff’s dream — a three-day northern Utah road trip through the mountains, desert flats and cityscapes featured in Sundance standouts such as “Brigsby Bear,” “SLC Punk!,” “Nine Days,” “Hereditary” and “Frozen."
Robert Redford’s Sundance Scenes
Journey through some of Utah's most striking mountain and desert filming locations to experience the awe of the all-American frontier immortalized in Robert Redford's "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid," "Jeremiah Johnson," and "The Electric Horseman."
Easy Riding: Southern Wasatch to Monument Valley
Talking about freedom and living it are two different things. Utah’s iconic American West offers both the picture-perfect backdrops to freedom and the roads for living it. This six-day itinerary follows the open-road inspiration of “Easy Rider."
Classic Westerns of the Silver Screen
From the alpine backwoods of Jeremiah Johnson to the sweeping vistas of Westworld and all the John Ford's in between, Utah is the place to travel for movie magic.
Butch Cassidy's West
For movie buffs, this scenic tour of the state of Utah comes alive with nostalgia for Robert Redford’s iconic film, “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid," and some of Butch Cassidy's real-life haunts.
See Where High School Musical Was Born
Walk through the halls of the real-life East High and immerse yourself in the vibrant cultural and rocky mountain landscapes where Disney’s "High School Musical" and "High School Musical: The Musical" series were filmed.