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Mineral Mountains   |  Rosie Serago

Rockhounding in Utah

Amateur and professional rock and fossil hunters in Utah enjoy some of the best rockhounding sites in the country. Topaz Mountain in Utah’s West Desert, for example, is part of Utah’s rich geological history that has left astounding deposits of rocks, minerals, fossils and gemstones across the state. BLM and National Forest lands cover a large percentage of the state and permit free rockhounding in many areas. Although free or at a low cost, all collections come with some restrictions. Be mindful of collecting rules. By treating Utah’s rockhounding sites with care, we can help preserve them for many future generations of rock enthusiasts.

Responsible Travel

Where to Rockhound in Utah

Rockhounding Sites in Utah

Rockhounding Rules & Permits

Rockhounding restrictions vary based on land designations. Federal lands, such as BLM and U.S. Forest Service lands, generally permit recreational rockhounding in reasonable quantities. However, collecting is NOT permitted in any national parks, national monuments, tribal lands, military reservations, dam sites or wildlife refuges. Collecting for commercial purposes is never allowed without a permit.

Read the Rules

Found Something You Can’t Identify?

Rockhounding is all about the thrill of discovery. If you’ve found something you can’t identify, start by checking for information online from sites like If this doesn’t yield answers, a local gem store may have some insights. Still no luck? Schedule an appointment with your local museum or university to help identify your specimen. 

If you discover an artifact, do NOT touch or remove it. Take a photo, note the location and contact your local BLM office. (Read: How to Visit Rock Imagery Sites Like an Archaeologist)

Report an Artifact

Utah Rocks, Minerals & Fossils


Weaving Through Granite Mazes in the Mineral Mountains of Beaver County

Written By Matcha

6 minute read

The Mineral Mountains, one of Utah’s most magnificent but least known natural wonders, offer superb hikes through a rugged granite wonderland of cliffs, domes and valleys. Backcountry trails beckon with the chance to discover precious gemstones, climbing routes and airy summits with expansive views across southwestern Utah.

Hiking, Southwestern, ATV and Off-road

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