"Visiting Factory Butte is like going back in time. The views feel ancient and stir my imagination towards images of dinosaurs roaming the land, while cinder cones pour molten lava into the valleys, and the long lost oceans of blue waters teeming with life."

"I’m drawn to Southern Utah’s desert landscape because of the colors — the combinations of rusty red rock, the brilliant blues of the endless skies and the varieties of green shrubs and cactus, mixed with vivid wildflowers are a color palette I really respond to as an artist."

"Wildlife is abundant in the Utah desert, and every flower, bird and insect provide vivid color and ornate detail to the landscape."

I started creating hyper-detailed panoramas a few years ago. The prints have so much detail they have an almost three dimensional feel to them.

Using a nodal slider, a rotating gimbal and a long focal length lens, I make incremental adjustments after each shutter release, as I pan across the face of the mountain in rows, gathering more and more detail with each shot.

These images are meant to be viewed over and over again. They’re meant to be explored. Because each image is of such high resolution, I can stare at them for hours, finding new details I didn’t see before.
"Utah has so much to offer for a photographer. The variety of landscapes, the evidence of ancient life and cultures, its history and historical places make for a canvas of endless possibilities for the artist."

What's Nearby
Capitol Reef National Park
Even considering Utah’s many impressive national parks and monuments, it is difficult to rival Capitol Reef National Park’s sense of expansiveness, of broad, sweeping vistas, of a tortured, twisted, seemingly endless landscape, or of limitless sky and desert rock.
Green River
The city of Green River was once a stomping ground for Butch Cassidy and his Wild Bunch, and is a haven for river runners who raft places such as Desolation and Gray Canyons.
Torrey's proximity to Capitol Reef National Park, the mountains of Fishlake and Dixie National Forests, Scenic Byway 12: Utah's All-American Road, sublime desert landscapes to trout-filled alpine lakes, make Torrey an outdoor lover's perfect hub for some of the most spectacular scenery and outdoor recreation opportunities in the state.