Boulder Top Trails
Hiking Trails
Four major trails are easily accessed from Highway 12 and travel short but steep distances to Boulder Top. The Great Western Trail to Bowns Point is the shortest at 1 mile.
All four trails are accessed from Highway 12. Drive about 14 miles north from Boulder Town to Forest Road 554 and turn left (west) for 1 mile to the Great Western Trail (Bowns Point) access trailhead on your left. The 1-mile climb to Bowns Point, at the southeast point of Boulder Top, offers the most panoramic views.
To reach the Behunin Point Trail, continue north on Highway 12 for 6 miles and turn left (west) onto Forest Road 247 (Pleasant Creek Trail 158). Almost 2 miles on an unimproved four-wheel-drive road brings you to the trailhead of Behunin Point Trail 117, which takes off to the left, roughly following Behunin Creek and climbing 4 miles to Boulder Top.
For Meeks Lake, continue on FR 247 for 0.5 mile to the trailhead for Meeks Lake Trail 118 on your right. Trail 118 connects with Great Western Trail 001 and Rim Trail 005.
Two miles farther north on Highway 12, Chokecherry Point Trail leaves the highway and accesses Boulder Top via Forest Road 177. For more information contact the Dixie National Forest.
Map: DeLorme: Utah Atlas & Gazetteer: Page 28 C1.